Wow are we really in August, this year just seems to be flying by. I was hoping to have posted an update before now, about how I’m doing in my Slimming World journey. Having a broken laptop hasn’t been fun but we are back in the game now it’s fixed. You can read my last post here
So how have I been doing?? I have to say not to bad really as of 18th Aug I have lost 3st 2lbs. I’m still really loving the journey too, there have been a few gains and maintains along they way but, that doesn’t matter. A lesson I’ve learnt is that I/you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself, losing weight is a journey and sometimes you have to take the scenic root to where you want to be. It took me a while to come to that realisation, there have been so many positive changes made so far that only benefit me and my journey but for the whole too.
There’s been lots of cooking and finding new recipes. I think there has been at least one new recipe each week so far. But sometimes I stick with some of the family favourites. Something that I have been enjoying using is Spicentice, if you have never heard of them they are a company who create meal kits. I have used quite a few of the kits recently and really enjoyed them. This one is their Chips and Wedges on, on the back of each pack to it has a recipe to follow.
They have a whole range of different meal kits too, I was surprised on how good they tasted. If you want to give them a try you can click here and if you enter the code LOOPY20 it will give you a bit of a discount.
There are somethings that I have been finding difficult and that’s having lots of speed food. I really need to up this to help with my losses. Maybe it’s the summer holidays where it’s been busy and I’ve just been making meals and not adding the extra. I’ve also found that I am drinking a lot more water, which if great, but not when you keep waking up to go to the loo at 3 am.
Thinking of where I started and where I currently am in my journey is amazing, I feel like a different person, but still struggle to see the physical changes. My aim when I started was to lose 5 stone and I’m 3 stone in to the first part of my journey. The target that I thought was unreachable is now not far away.
I’m going to leave this picture here so you can see the difference.