I’m going to be attending BlogOn 2014

So next weekend I am going to be attending my first blogging event….. EEEEKKK!!!! I’m a little nervous about it and still cant believe that I am going to be attending.I will be going to BlogOn this is being held at MOSI in Manchester, with this being my first event. I thought I would answer some questions so that you can get to know me a little bit better. I’m sure that you will see me on the day I will be the nervous one standing in the corner.SO here goes…..
Name –  
Rachel I get asked all the time which way I spell it ael, el, eal lol
Blog url –
click here
Twitter –
Facebook – 
I don’t have one set up for my blog yet 
Location –
 I live in Wigan
Bra size – only kidding…. This question made me giggle 
Yes I have 2 aged 10 and 6
Favourite food?
ermm  Chinese
Tea or coffee?
Cat or Dog?
Both but I have 2 cats
Left handed or right handed? 
I’m a leftie
What came first the chicken or the egg?
Well you need both to make the other.
Dietary requirements? 
Special talents? 
If I told you I would have to kill you lol! I don’t think I have any.
Describe Yourself In Seven Words
Kind, friendly, chatty, helpful, likes to laugh (loudly), stubborn  and hardworking  
What Is The Best And Worst Thing About Blogging?
Best thing about blogging is being able write what I want when I want and meeting/making friends with awesome people. The worst for me is writing and then there are no comments for me to respond to which I love doing.
What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? 
Recently I got up on stage after going to the toilet at a kids club where they were calling my name over the microphone, when came out they pulled me up on stage to hula hoop in a hula off against a man and well I discovered that I am awful at hula hooping. Needless to say I didn’t win :o(
What would your superhero name and power be?
I often call my self Wonder Woman so maybe WonderRach not very original I know.
What will you be wearing at Blog ON?  
OMG I hadn’t even thought about what I’m going to wear. Possibly jeans and a top with converse something comfy will be good.
What’s your favourite blog post you have written this year so far?
Does this one count????
 If you choke a smurf what colour does it turn? 
That is a very good question I would say purple!
While you are here would you like some cake? 
What kind? Cake where??????? *looks around* I like any cake but coffee cake would be my favourite.
Well I hope that you enjoyed learning a little bit about me. If you do see me make sure that you come and say hello 