We all have areas in our lives that need improvement whether it’s our careers, relationships, fitness or just overall mental and emotional state. Making changes to any of these categories sounds like a huge undertaking, it all starts with making goals and taking that first step. Sometimes even that sounds daunting and we need a little bit of inspiration before we can take any steps.
I know I need to make a huge change within the health and fitness part of my life but I’m struggling really struggling. I will put my hand up and say that I am a comfort eater! I eat when I’m bored, stressed or sad.
Recently I started back at the gym and Zumba with a friends but since I started working again I really have been lacking on going. Ive also noticed that the lbs are creeping on.
I just have no motivation at all at the moment and with our family holiday just a few weeks away I certainly wont be bearing all, in fact I feel like be covering up more of me than I have before.
But while spending far to much time watching youtube I came across this video
After watching this I feel I should be able to go and reach my goals if this man can make a change then so can I
I feel motivated to make those changes nothing to big to start small steps is the way to go.