Getting the family active
So I decide that it was time to get active for myself I need to shift a few pounds.
I decided to head back to the gym since I had been paying for it and not using it I may as well get back there. I have to say I love using the gym but sometimes going on your own is a bit well boring, I now go with a friend and we try and keep each other motivated.
She also dragged me along to a Zumba which I have become slightly addicted to.
My girls showed an interest in it but unfortunately they can’t attend the classes with me as they are to young. So I decided to get the Zumba rush game for the kinect mainly for me but when I was playing/working out to it both my girls jumped up and started doing it with me…. It turned out to be a lot of fun and a way of getting them active they love the moves and sometimes we just end up spinning around in circles with some of the moves.
So that got me thinking….. We need to be more active altogether!
Find something to do as a family……
It might be something as simple as a walk along the canal which we are lucky to live right next too.
I’m even thinking about investing in a bike so we can all go riding in the park together or a ride along the canal.
There is something that my girls enjoy doing and thetas hula hooping.
I can say that I’m awful at it i just cant get it to spin around my waist
(hence why i need to loose a few pounds)
My youngest is very good at it, here’s a little clip of her.
The key I think to getting the kids active is to make it fun but I guess that goes for adults too make it fun and you will want to do it more!