Fat To Fit Friday Week 2

Week 2…  Well it’s been a tough week on my journey from Fat To Fit especially food wise as there have been birthday celebrations and there was a bit, well maybe more than a bit of cake going round.  So eating wise hasn’t really been great this week and when you’re wanting to lose weight diet is 90% the key to losing it.

Have there been trips to the gym, there sure has. Armed with a new playlist on my iPod which I want to thank you for the suggestions for, it’s been fab although I do find I have to stop myself from singing out loud. I found myself dancing a little while on the treadmill when a song came on. I quickly realised what I was doing and stopped and had a little chuckle to myself. Maybe I should book myself in to the Zumba class next week.

I have noticed that I am able to do more at the gym and for longer which is great and showing that my fitness has improved a little since starting back at the gym. Which I am really happy about.

My gym has also started doing personal training sessions and are running taster sessions. I have thought about using a personal trainer but the cost comes into it, it’s not cheap. I booked a taster  to see what it would be like. I went along and was met by a really nice guy, he filled out a form and asked about my goals, I felt a bit nervous when I told him about how much I wanted to lose. Thinking he would judge me or something, even though I know he wasn’t thinking that.

With forms filled in we had a quick warm up with some cardio and then some leg weights to loosen my legs. He bought over some equipment that I had never used before so I was a little nervous and also nervous that I wouldn’t be able to do what he wanted me to do. We used a bar with weights on I quite liked this one, he said I had good form.  We also did some kettle bell work and then ropes which looked like fun but oh my it was hard. Heres a video I found on YouTube to give you and idea.

We put all the bit together and did a circuit and OH MY! it was hard and got the heart pounding, my legs were shaking at one point but I got nothing but positivity and encouragement from the PT when I was finding it hard he was like come on just 2 more. I even got to use a power plate to do some of the work out on. If you don’t know what a power plate is here’s a video.

Now I loved the power plate but it vibrates the whole body and I think I had drunk a bit too much water and felt like it was bubbling away inside me.

Over all I really enjoyed the PT session I just need to decide if I want to go down the route of having a PT to help me or just do it by myself.. Do you have any experience of using a PT???

I took this photo as I came out of the gym and was sat in the car it was getting dark.


This  a good work out face, I found hard to drive home as my legs we well worked and felt a bit like jelly, so changing gear was a bit iffy haha.

So my goals for this week is to fit the gym in now that I am back at work and to look more at what I’m eating and to make sure I take on more water.

I’m open to any tips on food or exercises,  leave them in the comments below.



  1. Are you using My Fitness Pal? I found it really helped me when I was trying to lose weight. I desperately need to lose more now but I’ve got zero motivation.

    1. I have used it in the past, I think it will have to download it again and give it another go.

  2. I love going to the gym but more for the classes than the equipment. I find they motivate me more though the taster sessions and personal trainer sound good. I find it really hard to fit it in around all the other things going on in life at the moment though. You do really feel better if you make the effort though – go you! x

    1. Thank you, I would like to try more of the classes Zumba is one that I could do for hours.

  3. I started going to the gym too, 6 weeks ago and I’ve seen a big difference already which is great. Though I go to New York next week so the weight might go back on … bets not do any Man vs Food style eating challenges !

    1. Well done you and I would say just enjoy New York to the fullest and the gym will be there when you get back.

  4. The ropes look fun! I have a couple of PT sessions but I prefer classes and now I simply so DVD’s ot YouTube exercises. I’m really trying to sort my diet out at the moment and stop baking cake!

    1. I too need to focus on the diet side of it, it’s hard when you like food though. The ropes were fun but they sure were a workout.

  5. It shows how long it’s been since I last went to a gym, I haven’t ever heard of those rope exercises! I think it’s great that you have stuck with it, and hope you get the results you want! 🙂

    1. Thank you, me to. I just need to keep going now and try to stay focused.

  6. I always find myself more motivated if I have somre sort of tracker to show my progress x x

    1. Brave or just demented?? lol, I have suffered from that PT session and I still want to do more…

    1. I have always thought of doing Yoga but not sure I’m flexible enough.

    1. I’m hoping it’s the thing that keeps me going and staying on track.

  7. Well done you! I don’t really do diets but my exercise tip is to do something every day, even if it’s just a quick walk around the block.

    1. Thats a great tip, might walk up and down the stairs a few times tonight.

  8. I tried the gym but it really wasn;t for me – I am starting swimming up again when the kids are back to school

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