1. Little handbag organiser thing… I want one!!
    Great post, I really enjoyed it today 😀

  2. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who did a video post! 🙂 Lovely to see you. I love vlogs. 🙂 You learn so much about a person.

  3. You are so cute!!! I really enjoyed your video! I would love to have one of those organizers. I have seen those around and I think it would help me to know where everything is in my purse (handbag). Mine seems to be a bottomless pit sometimes. I heard you say you have an Ikea card. That is my favorite store in the whole wide world!! The only thing is, the closest one to me is 4 hours away. So, I don’t get to go very often. And when you showed your chocolate….I giggled! I love chocolate!!! Great post!


  4. Well done on doing a video – I have not been that brave yet – hate being infront of a camera, so a video camera would be even worse!

  5. Loving the post and your bag! I’ve also decided I need one of those handbag organiser thingies 😉 x

  6. I feel a blog post coming on about my hand bag organiser!!!!
    I’m glad you liked the video I was a little nervous about it :o)

  7. Loving the vlog idea and your organiser, i definitely need to invest in one of those 🙂 xx

  8. Great, I love how you brought out the organiser and then said ‘ooh it’s a bit of a mess!’ lol
    Great idea to do a vlog though i enjoyed this ! 🙂

  9. Your vlog is great! 🙂 You look very natural on-camera. Love your purse organizer, I’ve always wanted one…

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