Hello and Happy New Year
I hope that you have had a good festive period? We had a lovely Christmas with the whole family around the table on Christmas Day… that was 11 of us all sat together and yes the emergency table and chairs had to come out. But it was totally worth it, even tho my girls are getting older I want Christmas to be about spending time with the ones we love and making memories. Especially when half of the family live 100mile down the motorway. I’m so happy and thankful that they made the journey up on Christmas Day.
Christmas morning here does seem to be getting later and later though… for some reason these teenagers like to sleep, where as I was awake on and off all night with the excitement that it was Christmas Day. Does anyone else get like? that I mean I’m coming up to being 36 and I still get excited about seeing it Father Christmas has been. I let the girls sleep until 8ish I couldn’t wait any longer than that. I don’t think they were to amused by my singing and jumping on their beds though.

Present opening seems to take much longer now too, I mean 2 hours long and before long family started to arrive with more gifts to open. I think the cat enjoyed opening a gift to and the rest of the wrapping paper became his toy for a while.

The rest of the day was just enjoyed, we laughed, played games, enjoyed some lovely food, watched the Queen Speech and just enjoyed being in the moment and being together. The sad part was when family left to travel back home and on to seeing other people. But lots of memories made and we will all catch up again soon.
I would love to know what you got up to at Christmas, did it involve emergency chairs or forgetting something in the oven/microwave? Let me know in the comments.