Have you heard of Cortex Challenge² before?
Cortex Challenge² is a new exciting brain-busting card game! Cortex tests player’s memory, cognition, and sensory perception. It includes texture cards that are used during ‘Touch Challenges’, where you guess what they are feeling. Players brain powers are stretched to the max as they race to be the first to match symbols, correctly remember all objects on a card or find the route out of a maze, along with many other tests!
This game sounded right up our street and couldn’t wait to get playing, if you are a fan of Dobble I think that you would love this game too.
The aim of the game it to compete against each other by completing different tests that at times can make your brain hurt. The first to win is the player who completes their brain jigsaw which consists of 4 pieces.
At the start of the game all players get to have a look and feel of the 10 touch cards for 30 seconds and then put to one side.
The rest of the cards are shuffled and placed in the centre of the table, we were ready to compete, game faces and all, it can get a little competitive in our house as no one likes to lose. The rules state that the youngest player (my youngest was thrilled by this) starts by turning over the top card and all other players look at the card to find the answer and when you think you have the answer you place your hand over the top of the card.
You then give your answer to see if its right or wrong, if you get the right answer you take the card and place it face down in front of you. But if you get the wrong answer, like I did.. you give up the card and then you’re not allowed to answer in the next round.
Each player is only allowed 4 cards at anytime so if you want to keep a card that you have just won but already have 4 cards you have to discard one of them.
To be able to get your brain jigsaw pieces you must have two of the same challenge cards and the first to have all four pieces of brain wins the game.
There are 8 types of test
- Multitasking
- Observation
- Squares
- Analysis
- Unique
- Combination
- Tracking
- Touch Challenge
As you can see I wasn’t far off winning! This was a great game to play with my kids who are 10 and 14.
It will be a game that we will play more and more as each game play lasts for around 15 minutes, which I think is great to take out with you on days out for playing in the car or when you are having to wait for a while, airplane journeys etc. Now if it came in a similar kind of tin as Dobble it would be even better to pop in a bag and go.
You can find and buy Cortex Challenge² here.
**disclosure I was sent this game as part of the Blogger Board game club for review all views and opinions are my own, click here to find out more**