It’s been a while

Since I last blogged it seems ages since the 31 day challenge I took part in :o(

It’s been an up and down time for me really, nothing major just me being silly no doubt.

I applied for a job and didn’t get it and this really knocked my confidence in myself. I shed a few tears (yes silly I know) I couldn’t help it.

My girls are constantly arguing and fighting :o( I’m really fed up with it (I’m sure there will be a post on this) I just wish I could ease things and every one to be happy with everyone. Half term was a nightmare with them.

I’ve been busy being back in school I do love the voluntary work I do there. I’m still on the look out for jobs so fingers crossed something will come up soon.

I’ve been on a bit of an emotional roller-coaster the past few weeks, I’m putting that down to a change of medication well contraceptive.

I’ve spent a bit of tie feeling unloved and friendless again silly I know!

But there have been happy times to just watching my girls grow and learn new things. We are off on a little adventure this weekend so there will be a post up about that, we are very much looking forward to it.

Sorry for the little downer of a post but it will soon be business as normal


1 comment

  1. you are never ever friendless! you just have to be brave and reach out to those around you xxxx
    always here

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