What are your plans for Christmas?

So what are you doing this Christmas?
Are you cooking?
Visiting someone else?
This year I’m cooking for family, I love having people round and it means that the kids get to play with their gifts rather tan opening them and the taking them away to go out for Christmas dinner.
I guess I kind of cheat to we all cook, my guest bring something and we all put it together. That way I’m not as stressed as I would be if I had to do everything by myself.
It kid of brings the family together.
They days festivities will be present opening that always first on the list followed by breakfast but not a chocolate one.
Clean up of wrapping paper much to my cats disappointment they love playing with the mess.
Then it will be on to the cooking. Family arriving. 
I’m looking forward to Christmas this year, but right now I don’t feel christmassy at all lol
So what will your plans be this year?

1 comment

  1. We have Christmas dinner Christmas Eve – hopefully my little bro is coming this year. Christmas day we open presents, stuff our faces and just play.
    Hope you have a great Christmas x

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